No initial cost, No running cost, No member fee
20% commissions only
No specialized knowledge and expertise about cryptocurrency is needed
Use browser of your smartphone or PC to start arbitrage trade at anywhere and anytime, no special PC or server, no extra software needed
Not only fiat to cryptocurrency, we support cryptocurrencies pairs, cryptocurrencies pairs means quick fund and asset tranfer
With simultaneous arbitrage, you can start trage robot for different cryptocurrencies pair, improve your profit drastically
With powerful analysis tools, you can select argitrage target easily and precisely. The trade result and hitory are all visualization.
The statistics of our platform shows that the success rate of arbitrage can reach over 93%.
The cryptocurrency is different from the stock market, the price is generated by orders in single exchange. Therefore, the price will be different between exchanges at the same time.
The platform trades through the API provided by the exchange. You only need to provide the API key and secret of the corresponding exchange, and have currencies and funds on the exchange.
Between different exchanges, buy low and sell high with same quantity at the same time, the total amount of holdings remains the same, theoretically risk-free, But the currency is risky.
Using analysis tools to determine the arbitrage target currencies and exchanges. Try to select low fees, quick withdrawal speed, short-selling is recommended to avoid price down risk.
Free arbitrage of 10,000 yen and multiple robots (The first 5 hundred arrivals)
You should provide the following information:
1. A valid email address (as user name)
2. Fullname(gender)
3. Employment company
4. Holding currency quantity (Valued as BTC)
5. Mainly using exchanges
6. The amount of fund
7. Invest purpose (a. Experience b. Stable income c. higher profit d. Commercial)
※We will filter according to your information, not guaranteed
Strictly selected according to the stability of the system, fees, deposit and withdrawal speed
Currency pairs is rich, trade system UI is simple and easy to use, withdrawal is fast, no trade free currently, the must have exchange. The disadvantage is trade volume is small and the withdrawal fee is high.
Large user number, trade volume is large, the system is stable and reliable, withdrawal is fast, no trade fee, the must have exchange. The disadvantage is BTC/JPY, and the withdrawal fee is high.
Big company, large trading volume, powerful trading system, fast withdrawal, the must have exchange. The disadvantage is that the trading system is unstable, BTC/JPY only, and trade fee is high.
※Evaluated by public informations until March 2018. Exchange changes alwarys, please comfirm latest exchange's announcement.
Compare with other arbitrage systems and software in current cryptocurrency market
Most arbitrage systems because of the same algorithm, more users means more possible of competitive trade, less arbitrage opportunities, lower success rate, and huge concurrency pressure to the exchanges. We adopt an all-user arbitrage scheduler to allocate opportunities, which effectively avoids the problem of competition and does not generate large number of concurrent trade to exchange. Our system makes intelligent judgment based on the data of each user's funds and assets, expected profit rate, trade history, etc. guarantee each user has arbitrage opportunities also.
With cloud service, you don't need to prepare a computer and install any extra softwre. You can use browser of your smart phone or PC to confirm the status of trade and control robot at any time. The system does not have complex parameter configurations. You only need to specify the expected profit rate and asset limit, Our system will adjust strategies based on market, status of exchange, and history trade data, will trade automatically on reasonable timing. Platform use graphical chart to show arbitrage analysis, trade status and trading results and fund, asset usage, etc.
Strat arbitrage trade with our platform is very simple, only the following three steps
After login, enter the API key and secret of the target exchange at exchange account list page. How to get the API key and secret, you should refer to the help document of each exchange.
At robot list page or arbitrage analysis page, select the target currency pair and the exchange pair, set the expected profit rate and the maximum trade limit, you can create a trade robot.
At robot list page, click the detail menu item to enter the detail page, click the start arbitrage button at the control panel, you can start arbitrage trade easily, or stop it at any time.
Your feedback is the best gift
Spot trade based, Option, margin trade is not supported yet
The profit formula=(tiny profit) x (voluminous transactions), one transaction with 0.3% even 0.1% profit perhaps, it is very small than the up-down ratio of asset, but time is the best friend, 0.3%x365=109.5%, this is amazaing, even better than some institutional investors.
According to the profit formula of arbitrage, you should select exchange with low trade fee first because fee is charged every trade, next you should select the exchage with quick deposit and withdrawal, finaly the trade system, stability guarantees your trade.
High liquidity currency pair, the spread is smaller, But the arbitrage opportunities is more, on the other hand, the profit ratio is lower. Compared with currency pairs, the transfer of fiat currency must via bank, this is often slower, but profit plan is more controllable.
The total value of the cryptocurrency should be more than 1 BTC if you want a stable profit, and the fund should be 2 to 3 times of cryptocurrency. We also recommend short-selling lock the price. If you only want to increase pocket money, the minimum requirement of exchange is enough.
Changed dynamically according to the fee, system status of exchange and market situation
※According to the requirement from users, we can add new exchanges and trade pairs in a short time
Work time: Mon. to Fri. (10:00 - 19:00), please contact us by email only
SunVy is a game publisher in Tokyo, We develop and publish softwares and solutions for smart device also. From 2017, we begin to integrate cryptocurrency with game, and using block chain technology to standardize Japan poker association rules with smart contract.
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